Discovering Northern California's
Visitor Survey: Help Us Improve

Help Us Improve Our Website: Complete a Visitor Survey for Us

We want to provide you with the information about Northern California that you're seeking. And if we haven't done that, we need to know about it!

Did you find what you were looking for? How can we make your experience better in the future? What would you like to see more of, or less of? Let us  know what you liked or didn't like about Discover Northern California. We really want to know!

Help us help you. Completing the Survey shouldn't take more than a minute or two, we won't share your information or your responses with anyone, and we will personally read and respond to your observations and concerns.

And don't worry - We hate Spam, too!! We promise to guard your email address with our lives!

Why do We use a Contact Form
Instead of Giving You Our E-Mail Address?

Wolf & I in Santorini;<br>Photo by Kindly StrangerWolf & I in Santorini;
Photo by Kindly Stranger

If we posted our e-mail address as our contact, we'd be subject to hundreds of spamming e-mails!

So we use the Contact Form with its built-in protection instead.

(Spamming engines can't read the word you're supposed to type in to verify that you're a real person!)

But don't worry - once you've proven you're a real person by using the Contact Form...

We'll happily provide our e-mail address to you!

You'll only have to use this form the one time.

If you ever want to contact us again in the future, you'll have our e-mail address and can communicate with us that way. We're always happy to hear from our fans, followers, and friends!

And thanks for visiting us here at

Discovering Northern California's
Visitor Survey Form

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us! There will be an automated response to let you know the form worked, but you'll hear from us personally in a short time.

Please continue your exploration of what Northern California has to offer by using the Nav Bars in the left and right columns or by using the links at the bottom of the page.

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And thanks for coming!