Downtown Napa not so good. Go up the Valley.

by Allan

Well, our trip to Napa didn't go as well as we had hoped. We spent three days staying in downtown Napa and found about half of the retail spaces boarded up. They're struggling. As a parting gift, the City of Napa sent us a several hundred dollar traffic ticket about TWO MONTHS LATER! They have cameras at every intersection and a company in Arizona contracted to have people watching hours of film and writing tickets!

I called City of Napa saying that it wasn't good to treat tourists that way and the lady asked me "Why do you think you shouldn't pay like anyone who visits Napa?" Nuf said....

I'm staying on Hwy 29 and out of downtown. It's very nice in Yountville and St. Helena with lots of shops and no police cameras!

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Transitional Downtown Napa
by: Suzi

Greetings Allan

Thanks for your contribution!

I'm sorry to hear that you had such a negative experience in downtown Napa - I've mentioned on the website that Napa is in transition and is working on redevelopment of the downtown area. I'm sure their plans have been slowed by the economic downturn - "The best laid plans of mice and men . . ." and all that. :-)

Personally, I do enjoy visiting the establishments that are open and seeing how everything is coming along. But you're right - Yountville and St. Helena are both charming! I recommend them highly.

Thanks so much for sharing your experience with us!


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