
by Liz Smith
(Monrovia, Ca.)

Big Sur Beach

Big Sur Beach

I love that even though I may only be able to visit once a year the big 'ol Mother Trees are waiting to greet me when I return.

No questions asked.

They don't look at me funny or with slight distrust or dislike because I'm from Los Angeles.

They don't sigh when I ask silly questions about Big Sur......my favorite place on earth which just happens to be in MY HOME STATE OF CALIFORNIA.


And if that means loving the sometimes not so loving of visitors residents also then that's ok.

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We're All Outsiders Somewhere
by: Suzi

Greetings Liz,

Thanks so much for taking the time to share your impressions of Big Sur with us.

I share your love of Big Sur - the redwoods, the beaches, the rugged coastline, the wildflowers in the Spring and the stormy seas in the Winter, the quirky places to visit and explore, the parklands and the wilderness - and I'm very glad you haven't let the bad manners of some keep you from coming back to a place you love so much!


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