The Stephens Hull Shed

by Sophia White
(Willits CA)

My father, William Charles Stephens Junior, grew up in Chico. He with his brothers and father built the hull shed and the cinder block house just outside of Durham, one block north of the 4 corners.

I lived with my mother, father, and sister in a single wide mobile home one street over. We were surrounded by almond trees. My great grandmother lived at the end of the street in a small pieced together house set among her flower garden. Years before her house had burned down.

I was only 3 but have memories of climbing the short trees and staring down the tunnels of blossoms in the spring. One spring we even caught a baby cottontail for a pet. I can still feel the heat of the sun and the thrill of finding a praying mantis in the grass.

We left when I was 5 but continued to visit the hull shed until I was about 15 years old. I am now almost 55 years old.

Two years ago my sister and I visited Durham. We visited her kindergarten building and the hull shed. Great grandmas house is gone. But the cinder house still stands. I have pictures of my first Easter next to that house, 1962.

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A Chico Area Family History
by: Suzi & Wolf

Hi Sophia,

We're so glad you shared your family's history with us - so many area families over the years have had a long-term connection with the area's agriculture!

We've been to Durham many times and have seen the hull shed and the cinder block house you mention - it's very nice to learn a little about them!

Cheers, and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend!
Suzi & Wolf

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